100gm Protein Diet Plan & Workout Plan (Beginner Friendly)

This diet plan includes basic Indian homemade food. Though the Indian diet incorporates some amount of protein, it is heavy on carbohydrates. Because of this, we need to consciously make small changes in our diet to include adequate protein.

There are many vegetarian foods that contain a high amount of protein but they do not provide ‘Lean Protein’ required for building muscles. This is why it’s important to include right combination of protein to complete the amino acid profile required to build muscles.

What is Lean Protein Food? – The foods that offer you the high content of protein with very low or almost nil fat and carbohydrates, are called ‘Lean Protein’ food sources. They also provide a complete protein profile, which means all amino acids that are required to build muscles. Most of the meat products like chicken, fish or egg come under Lean Protein food category.

Also Read: 16 Cheapest High Protein Vegetarian Foods

Now, since vegetarians don’t have a direct source of food with a complete protein profile, they combine various foods to get a holistic diet. This diet plan ensures that you get the required protein and the right foods

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    Looking for a personalised diet?

    Getting 100gm of protein from vegetarian food is not very difficult if you know the vegetarian sources of high-protein foods. And yes, it is possible to build muscles and lose fat by being on a vegetarian diet.

    Below is a sample diet plan which consists of about 100gm of protein only from vegetarian foods. The total calorie intake will be about 1800 Kcal. This is just a sample diet plan which you can customize based on your requirement.

    Disclaimer: Before even starting the post, I want to put a disclaimer that I am not someone who is against supplements. I consume whey protein almost on a daily basis (Yes, it’s totally safe and a fantastic source of protein). But for the scope of this diet plan, I am only looking at high-protein vegetarian foods. You can include supplements based on your requirement.

    How to Increase Protein Intake in Your Diet

    Indian vegetarian diet is primarily carbohydrates. One should make a conscious effort to increase the overall protein intake, irrespective of their goal to lose weight or maintain weight.

    There are a few simple tips to add more protein to your diet –

    1. Calculate your daily calorie requirement from the calorie calculator.

    2. Based on the total calorie requirement, 25-40% should come from protein.

      • Protein requirement (in gm) = total calorie requirement * protein percentage / 4

    3. Now, divide this protein requirement into 3 equal amounts and include it in your meals. For example, if your protein requirement is 120gm, you need to take 40gm protein in breakfast, lunch and dinner. Distributing protein intake like this will result in higher consumption of protein in your body.

    How can I eat 100gm protein a day?

    It may sound a daunting goal to eat 100gm of protein a day but once you understand simple tricks to this, it will become an easy habit to practice.

    1. Include at least one these foods in every meal – paneer, tofu, soya chunk, soybean.

    2. Lentils and Legumes are a great source of protein and complex carbohydrate. Try different variations of them in your daily routine. They help you keep full for longer.

    3. Quinoa, millets, oats are a great source of protein. Keep them part of at least one meal a day.

    4. If you are not able to reach your daily protein intake, don’t hesitate from including whey protein in your diet. Whey protein is an amazing source of easily digestible, lean protein and tastes wonderful.

    5. If you are lactose intolerant, plant-based protein powders can also be a great option to maximize your protein intake.